✨ New Exclusives
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Make some pizza with Melissa’s sauce recipe, watch an interview with Greg (a New York pizzaiolo that didn’t make it to the final video), and get some cute wallpapers in the ~ secret ~ part of the website using this month’s password (it is case sensitive btw).
📢 Help Us Out
We want to explore more stories about technology and how it affects us! Have any questions? Submit them in the Google form below!
For example: Is short-form video shortening our attention span? Why aren’t there electric planes? Why are government websites impossible to navigate?
🤔 What Happened
In the last issue, we said that we were back from burnout and ready to create… that was 3 months ago. Two big things have happened since:
We re-evaluated what we want to make and how we make them. We had gotten into a pattern of chasing quantity and releasing videos that we liked but wished we had a little more time to finish. So, we rejigged our production process to try and give our curiousity more time to flourish. Let us know if you notice a difference!
We met in real life! You may not know this but we have only met as a group once in August 2019 when we had a vague idea that we wanted to do a video project together. Fast forward 3 years and we finally met again! We were in town for Buffer Festival where we premiered a video that is coming out this Friday October 7th - so keep your eyes peeled.
🎧 Monthly Playlist | Baking at Midnight | Mixtape No. 17
Last playlist was what Melissa listens to when cooking at 10pm, now here’s what she switches to when it’s time to bake cookies at 12am (she lives a very food-centric lifestyle).
🔓 Patreon Post Unlocked
In a recent episode of our Patreon-exclusive podcast, we talked about what we got up to while Taha was in town. You can listen to the unlocked post here:
💡 Creator Spotlight
This newsletter, we think you should check out Jaida Elcock (@soFISHtication). She is a marine biologist with a great sense of humour and an even greater affinity for sharks. Here’s one where she answers Google autocomplete questions about sharks (here’s an Instagram version of her post if you do not rock with TikTok)
⏭️ Coming Up
Your City is Full of Fake Buildings 🏗️ We premiered this video at Buffer Festival at the end of August. It’s about the fake facades in cities and the infrastructure hidden within.
How School Made You a Bad Writer ✍️ There’s a lot of pressure to write well when you’re making a video about bad writing. Despite the delays, this callout by Taha should be coming soon.
🙏 Thank You
Thank you for subscribing and following our chaotic little journey - see ya next month!
from ur neighbourhood nerds,
Sabrina, Melissa, and Taha<3