Welcome to the first Answer in Progress newsletter!
In case you forgot, Answer in Progress is a video project by your neighbourhood nerds: Sabrina (@nerdyandquirky), Taha (@khanstopme) & Melissa (@mehlizfern). So what can you expect from this newsletter? You'll get a monthly password to the exclusives corner on our website, a look at our future projects, and a monthly Spotify playlist with reading recommendations!
Web Exclusive!
This Month’s Password: FIRSTPASSWORD
Want to see the full chat between Taha and Melissa from the cross culture video or check out Sabrina’s horrific data, head to this ~ secret ~ part of the website and enter this month’s password (lol we r creative).
In case you missed it…
In September, we did a livestream (and accidentally recorded in 360p???). You can watch the unlisted video here:
In a recent video, Sabrina looks at horror films and tries to find out what the scariest movie of all is.
What’s Next?
Taha is exploring the unique ways young people use language on the internet,,,
If you missed our livestream font battle today, you’ll be able to catch a highlight reel in a few weeks and you can get involved!
Email us with what you think is the best font and why for a chance to be featured in the highlight reel!
Melissa’s Playlist Recommendation: November Feels, Listen on Spotify @AnswerinProgress
Taha’s Podcast Recommendation: The Boys are Broken by The Nuanced Life
This episode of The Nuanced Life, two mothers in the American Midwest talk about what it means to raise boys in an era where ideas about masculinity are changing. Even though this conversation is now two years old, it is one that I keep going back to.
Sabrina’s Book Recommendation: How Charts Lie by Alberto Cairo
Nowadays, infographics and data visualizations are one of the main ways the media uses to convey information. However, like any language, charts can lie or mislead. This book is a super easy read (I finished it in 2 days), and it arms you with a toolkit to avoid being mislead by pretty pictures.
The world is weird rn, so thank you for subscribing and following our journey. The three of us hope you find some inspiration to fuel your curiosity!
from the gang,
Sabrina, Taha, and Melissa <3